1 in 5 Belgian teenagers still start to smoke. Something Kom op Tegen Kanker wants to stop. But teens live in their own world where traditional campaigns rarely reach them. When it comes to the long term effects of smoking they don’t really relate or care. We showed the negative effects of smoking in a way they would feel it. By turning some of their gaming heroes into smokers, by hacking into FIFA and dongrading ta popular team. This became the kick-off for #RIProken: a movement within the gaming community to take a stand against smoking.
Client : Kom Op Tegen Kanker
Agency : DDB
CD : Kwint De Meyer
Creation : Antoine de Bellefroid / Yannick Pringels / James Gambrill / Jan Schraeyen
Strategic planner : Fiona Boyle
Project Leader : Molly Waeytens Soraya Hellera